Dieses Tool ist als Üben fürs mündliche Staatsexamen gedacht: Welche Fragen muss ich stellen und welche Befunde muss ich erheben, wenn sich ein Patient mit diesen oder jenen Symptomen präsentiert? Du kannst entweder deine eigenen Szenarien definieren oder eines der existierenden Szenarien durchspielen. Melde dich doch bei mir (elias@villigerfamily.ch), wenn du Ideen, Fragen oder einfach nur Feedback hast!

Situations as Starting Points (SSPs) - (siehe Profilesmed)

SSPBeschreibung# Szenarien definiert
(Live / Entwurf)
SSP 45cough, expectoration, haemoptysis1 / 0
SSP 33painful, red, itchy eyes; eye discharge1 / 0
SSP 10pain of all types1 / 0
SSP 35sore throat1 / 0
SSP 1abnormal perspiration0 / 0
SSP 2enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)0 / 0
SSP 3excessive thirst, excessive fluid intake (polydipsia)0 / 0
SSP 4fatigue, tiredness0 / 0
SSP 5feeling of illness0 / 0
SSP 6fever, chills, hyperthermia0 / 0
SSP 7flushing0 / 0
SSP 8hypothermia0 / 0
SSP 9itching0 / 0
SSP 11sleep problems0 / 0
SSP 12swelling, oedema (diffuse or local)0 / 0
SSP 13unnatural death0 / 0
SSP 14unexpected or sudden death0 / 0
SSP 15weight gain, obesity0 / 0
SSP 16weight loss, malnutrition, loss of appetite0 / 0
SSP 17abnormal eye movements0 / 0
SSP 18acute and gradual loss of vision (acute, slow, temporary, partial)0 / 0
SSP 19alteration of voice (hoarseness, aphonia, dysphonia)0 / 0
SSP 20asymmetric face, deformation0 / 0
SSP 21bleeding nose0 / 0
SSP 22blepharospasm0 / 0
SSP 23difficulty in swallowing, choking0 / 0
SSP 24discharge from ear0 / 0
SSP 25dryness, pain, mass in mouth or throat, oral lesions0 / 0
SSP 26earache0 / 0
SSP 27facial, jaw or tooth pain, trismus0 / 0
SSP 28hearing impairment: hyper- and hypoacusis, deafness, whistling, tinnitus0 / 0
SSP 29micro- and macrocephaly0 / 0
SSP 30nasal discharge0 / 0
SSP 31nasal obstruction0 / 0
SSP 32neck stiffness and pain0 / 0
SSP 34snoring0 / 0
SSP 36squint (strabismus)0 / 0
SSP 37swelling of face, lips, neck; goitre0 / 0
SSP 38swelling of the eyelid0 / 0
SSP 39visual disturbances, photophobia, light flashes, floating objects, diplopia, colour blindness, blurred vision0 / 0
SSP 40apnoea, apnoea with arousal0 / 0
SSP 41change of respiratory pattern0 / 0
SSP 42changes of breast size, breast lump, breast discharge0 / 0
SSP 43chest discomfort0 / 0
SSP 44chest pain0 / 0
SSP 46dyspnoea0 / 0
SSP 47heartburn (pyrosis)0 / 0
SSP 48impaired or painful passage of food, dysphagia, regurgitation0 / 0
SSP 49painful respiration, wheezing, stridor0 / 0
SSP 50palpitations0 / 0
SSP 51parietal chest pain0 / 0
SSP 52abdominal, epigastric pain0 / 0
SSP 53abdominal distension0 / 0
SSP 54abdominal mass0 / 0
SSP 55altered defaecation pattern, incontinence, pain0 / 0
SSP 56anal itching, anal pain, anal protrusion0 / 0
SSP 57anal bleeding0 / 0
SSP 58constipation0 / 0
SSP 59diarrhoea0 / 0
SSP 60melena, fresh blood, mucus, pus in faeces0 / 0
SSP 61nausea, vomiting0 / 0
SSP 62atypical sexual development0 / 0
SSP 63anuria, pollakiuria, oliguria, polyuria0 / 0
SSP 64dysuria, pyuria, haematuria,0 / 0
SSP 65issues related to conception, e.g. infertility and sterilisation0 / 0
SSP 66menstrual symptoms; disorders of menstruation, painful menstruation, premenstrual symptoms0 / 0
SSP 67pelvic mass0 / 0
SSP 68pelvic pain0 / 0
SSP 69request for contraception, emergency contraception0 / 0
SSP 70request for genetic counselling0 / 0
SSP 71scrotal pain, swelling, mass0 / 0
SSP 72sexual complaints and dysfunction0 / 0
SSP 73swelling, pain in groin0 / 0
SSP 74symptoms related to menopause0 / 0
SSP 75urethral discharge0 / 0
SSP 76urinary incontinence and enuresis0 / 0
SSP 77urinary retention0 / 0
SSP 78uterine prolapsed, pelvic relaxation0 / 0
SSP 79vaginal bleeding0 / 0
SSP 80vaginal discharge0 / 0
SSP 81abnormal posture and back deformities0 / 0
SSP 82back pain0 / 0
SSP 83deformities of skeleton and joints0 / 0
SSP 84myalgia0 / 0
SSP 85pain, burning, cramp, numbness in the extremities0 / 0
SSP 86swollen or painful joints, morning stiffness, reduction of joint motility0 / 0
SSP 87changes in oral, genital or perianal mucosa0 / 0
SSP 88ecchymosis, hematoma, purpura0 / 0
SSP 89hyper- or hypopigmentation0 / 0
SSP 90infected wound, delayed wound healing, skin ulcers0 / 0
SSP 91jaundice (icterus)0 / 0
SSP 92lack or loss of hair, excess hair0 / 0
SSP 93macules, papules, pustules, blisters, ulcers and abscess, bullae, thickening, necrosis, tumours0 / 0
SSP 94nail complaints0 / 0
SSP 95redness of the skin (localized or diffuse) and/or mucosa0 / 0
SSP 96abnormal sense of balance, falls0 / 0
SSP 97abnormal gait0 / 0
SSP 98abnormal involuntary movements, tremor, tic, lack of coordination0 / 0
SSP 99disorders of speech or language0 / 0
SSP 100dizziness, vertigo0 / 0
SSP 101headache0 / 0
SSP 102memory disturbance, cognitive impairment0 / 0
SSP 103paresis, paralysis0 / 0
SSP 104sensory loss, changes in various forms of sensation0 / 0
SSP 105twitches, convulsion, seizure0 / 0
SSP 106abdominal injuries0 / 0
SSP 107burn, cold injuries0 / 0
SSP 108contusion, soft tissue bruising0 / 0
SSP 109dislocation of joint0 / 0
SSP 110drowning or near drowning0 / 0
SSP 111foreign body0 / 0
SSP 112head and brain injuries and trauma0 / 0
SSP 113injuries of the extremities0 / 0
SSP 114laceration, closed or open wound0 / 0
SSP 115spine injuries0 / 0
SSP 116thoracic injuries0 / 0
SSP 117vascular injuries0 / 0
SSP 118anxiety and panic0 / 0
SSP 119attention deficit0 / 0
SSP 120change in behaviour0 / 0
SSP 121change in eating behaviour0 / 0
SSP 122change in mood0 / 0
SSP 123hyperactivity0 / 0
SSP 124irrational fear, fear of illness0 / 0
SSP 125Irritability, aggressive and violent behaviour0 / 0
SSP 126mental confusion, delirium0 / 0
SSP 127obsessive and/or compulsive behaviour0 / 0
SSP 128reactions to major stressful events0 / 0
SSP 129self-harm, including suicide0 / 0
SSP 130non-medical substance use (“misuse”), addiction e.g. tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances (“controlled medicines”), gambling and gaming0 / 0