The Villiger Family

Our Family

We are the Villiger family. Elias is 100% Swiss, Patti is 100% American, and our girls are 100% adorable. Our story starts in the trumpet section of Bob Jones University's Concert Band in August of 2010. Five years later, we married and moved to Switzerland! Miriam came along in 2016, Rebecca in 2018, Lydia in 2020, Hannah in 2023. We live in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and love our life here!

Our Website

This website is all about our family's interests. Elias worked as a computer programmer while studying medicine, so we decided to build a website together, where Patti could write about life here and Elias could have a platform for his nature collection.

Home: Here you will find blog posts about our family adventures, baking, crafts, hobbies, and observations about life in Switzerland, mostly written by Patti.

About Us: Well, that's fairly self-explanatory ;)

Faith: A summary of our faith in Jesus. We'd love to tell you more about it!

Nature: This tab contains Elias's collection of Swiss plantlife - he has spent years photographing and classifying wildflowers, insects, and other things found in nature. This page is to help people identify flowers they find.

Medicine: This page has a few resources for med school.

Games: Play a couple of the games that Elias programmed.

We hope you enjoy our website!

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, send us an email or write a note in our guest book!

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Krämer Rita und Paul - 18.12.2022 11:42Reply
Lieber Elias mit Familie Bist du so gut und schickst mir die Adresse von Euch in Uzwil. Habe sie nicht mehr gefunden. Herzliche Grüsse von Rita und Paul Krämer
Elias: Lieber Paul und Rita Ich melde mich per Post nach Züberwangen in den nächsten Tagen :) Liebe Grüsse!
Janna Neumann (geb. Braun) - 02.12.2022 12:07Reply
Hallo Elias, du erinnerst dich sicher nicht an mich, aber ich war in unseren Teenager-Jahren sehr eng mit deiner Schwester Tabea befreundet und unsere Familie hat euch an Ostern dann auch mal besucht. Nun bin ich gestern auf deinen Youtube-Kanal gestoßen und war durch die Musik so gesegnet! Danke, dass du mit deiner Familie so für Jesus brennst und anderen Menschen damit ein großer Segen bist! Janna
Elias: Liebe Janna, vielen Dank für deine Nachricht. Ich erinnere mich tatsächlich an dich, mindestens vom Namen her. Grüsse an Tabea habe ich ausgerichtet :)
Eleasar Villiger - 03.03.2022 11:02Reply
Sind wir verwandt. ich wohne in Villigen AG
Elias: Villich?
Karen Filliger Chandler - 01.03.2020 00:27Reply
Hello Patti, In doing on line search for the Villiger surname, I came across your website. I totally enjoyed your pictures and stories of your family. Please forgive my presumption in writing to you. I, too, am a Villiger, although in America, my family has spelled the name with an F for over 100 years. However, in doing genealogy, I have traced my family back to Switzerland, and "Villiger". Although I have looked at the online Luzern archives, and have read Peter Villiger's book "750 Years of Villiger/Villinger", and have paid for a few church book "look ups" I have been unable to find the place of birth and/or citizenship for my ancestor. Several possibilities, but nothing definite. Hence my presumption in writing. Do you know any Villiger family member who does genealogy, perhaps is a family historian? (I had been writing to Peter Villiger many years ago, but I believe he has passed away.) If so, would you be willing to forward this email to them and ask them to respond to me? I certainly would not want someone to do my work for me (!) but I have some genealogical/history questions as pertains to Switzerland, and have no one to ask. I would also be very willing to share the information I have collected. I am hoping to visit Switzerland next year, and will be going to Solothurn to see the village of one branch of my family. I would love to be able to also go to the village of my part of the Villiger family. I hope this is not an imposition. Thank you so much for any help you can give me. Sincerely, Karen Filliger Chandler in New Hampshire
Christopher Villinger: Thank you
Elias: Thank you for your message! I have sent a reply to your e-mail address.
KEZIA VILLIGER - 19.12.2019 18:05Reply
Hoi Elias! Muesch moll bede games bede stacks of gold luege! Ich ben zwoite platz!!
Mike, Mel, and the Kiddos - 26.10.2017 15:50Reply
Fun! This seems like the perfect project for your family! Love from all of us!
Thirza - 26.10.2017 04:04Reply
Hoi Elias Ha dini Natur Siite aaglueget und gseh dass du de Stumpfblättrige Ampfer hesch. Das isch en Blacke und vo dene hani hunderti umbracht de Sommer. :) Grues Thirz
Elias: Gsesch, jetz chasch selber Blueme bestimme :) Isch halt aktuell no chli im Entwurfmodus, aber sött scho bald besser uusgseh!
Aunt Diane - 17.10.2017 02:57Reply
Love this!!!!
Teresa Seelenbinder - 16.10.2017 20:28Reply
It will be truly refreshing to hear news of a land and family which will have close ties to our newlyweds future.
Brenda - 16.10.2017 15:39Reply
Love reading about your lives! ❤️
Liz - 16.10.2017 15:05Reply
Love this idea! I love seeing the pictures :)
Aunt Linda - 16.10.2017 14:34Reply
Love this idea! We can watch your family as they grow. Love you!
Rahel - 09.10.2017 02:52Reply
Nice! I'm curious about your thoughts on live in Switzerland. :D And as everyone else: More pictures of Miri (and you :P and Elias :P)
KEZIA: Wow Rahel wotsch nome babyfottis gsee?
Julie - 08.10.2017 21:53Reply
I love the additions to the site! And I agree - more Miriam pictures, please ;)
Patti: Coming soon ^_^
KNAKAL FAMILY GERMANY - 08.10.2017 21:50Reply
More Miri pictures and game instructions in several languages.
Patti: Don't die Stirb nicht No te mueres
Knakal family in SC - 08.10.2017 21:39Reply
Impressed at your organization ;) love you guys
Naemi - 08.10.2017 21:38Reply
We could start copying your mealplan
Patti: Ideally they will link to recipes... feel free to copy if you really want to
Patti again: Although I should say, I haven't updated it in a few weeks and we're at your parents now anyway ;)
Tabea: I'd like it if you could like deliver those things when they are cooked :)
Aaron - 08.10.2017 20:58Reply
Ich bi au no nett
Noah: Jaja, das wär de no, he...
Tabea Villiger - 08.10.2017 20:57Reply
Very nice!! Except for ech ha kei Ahnig was de Pharma... chinesisch esch
Noah - 08.10.2017 20:57Reply
Chamer do au chüeche bschtelle?
Patti: Gilt nur ide Schwiiz
Noah: Schaad...
Patti - 08.10.2017 19:15Reply
I have visited this website. But I'm not really a guest.
Elias: Same here :)