They are Precious in His SightPatti - October 18, 2019

One of my biggest struggles as a mom is keeping my temper in check when my girls don't behave in exactly the way I think they should. I used to blame my anger on anything and everything - not enough sleep, not enough coffee, too much time alone with the kids, and especially the kids themselves. But after being confronted (several times) by my husband, I began to recognize that the only person to blame was myself. When I reacted in anger, more often than not it was because some selfish desire was not being fulfilled. 

One night when I couldn't sleep, I began thinking about how God had created my children, and how He loves them so much more than I ever could. And the Holy Spirit gently reminded me that I have no right to treat children beloved by God Himself in the manner that I had been treating them. In order to remind myself of my children's worth, I painted this sign to hang above our family pictures. 

Elias found this article by Emily Jensen that put into words exactly what I was struggling with and how to overcome it. I strongly recommend it to all moms and dads who desire to be more patient witht their children.

How to Fight Anger in Motherhood

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Emily - 18.10.2019 16:13Reply
Thank you for sharing! I too struggle with anger towards my children. The Lord has been pricking my heart and convicting me about it.