One Year of BloggingPatti - October 10, 2018

Today marks one year since our first post on our website. This will be the 42nd post - close to one post a week! My original goal was to write twice a week, but I found that between pregnancy and my toddler, creating content took much more time and energy than I anticipated. I have several failed ideas that I hope to revisit, as well as several successes that I simply forgot to photograph. 

Our home and our lives have changed so much over the past year! The biggest change, of course, is the addition of our sweet Rebecca. I don't know how this website will develop as our family grows, but we hope it will be a blessing to some, a help to others, and maybe even provide a bit of entertainment as I share toddler antics and cultural conundrums.

If you want to receive emails whenever I post, enter your email address in the subscribe box either on the home page or the About Us page. If you have any questions or ideas, leave a comment or send me an email!

And since every post is better with a picture:

Thanks to Naemi Seelenbinder for the picture of Miri, and to Anna de Vries for capturing us on the swing!

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Joyce Knakal ( outer wise known as grandma) and - 11.10.2018 17:33Reply
You're a great mom! Thanks for keeping us in the know! Love all of you, keep it up!
Mom - 11.10.2018 06:25Reply
You depict normal daily life well! Love your posts ❤
Rose - 11.10.2018 04:30Reply
Such a great blog! I love reading all the entries!!!