Stone Garden MarkersPatti - October 07, 2018

If you've read our previous posts, you know that Elias built a raised garden bed for our balcony. We recently added some more herbs and flowers, so last week, Miri and I collected some stones to paint for garden markers!

I kept the supplies simple: just white and green acrylic paint and several stones.

I only made markers for the edible plants. We currently have basil, mint, oregano, sage, strawberries, tomatoes, Cola Strauch, Nüsslisalat, and Zuckerhut.

(We interrupt this message to show an adorable daddy/daughter planting picture.)

Just a few of my favorite markers...

In the spring we will also have lavender, tulips, hyacinths, and snowdrops!

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Mom - 07.10.2018 21:27Reply
Love the family project!