Booster Seat for MiriamElias - August 12, 2018

We recently thought it was time for Miriam to start sitting in a regular chair instead of her high chair. In order to help her reach the table better, we started looking around for a booster seat. Since we couldn't find one in the local thrift stores, I decided I would build one myself.

I was able to find some decent pieces of scrap wood I had collected and custom-built this booster seat for Miriam. In the process I was also super happy that I got to use my carpenter's plane for the first time (my electric saw doesn't cut very straight, so I was able to use the plane to correct the cut).

This is our IKEA chair that I wanted to custom-fit the booster seat to.

The finished product. The top two pieces of wood are from a board that I'd previously used as a bookshelf (and a barbecue platter...). The front half I traced along the chair, the back half I drew and cut from measurements. Thankfully the two pieces ended up fitting together pretty well.

Bottom view of the finished product. Notice how the back board is slightly taller, thus preventing the seat from sliding forward. The small piece towards the bottom is to stabilize the back board and also to give some more support for the seating area.

Pretty much everything is held together by wood glue.

View from the back. I wonder how long it will take Miriam to figure out she can take it off and store stuff underneath the seat!

All the supporting side boards were filler wood in a package for a new closet. They're not the prettiest, but I'd say were put to good use here.

And of course we can still fit a seat cushion on top. For Miriam's comfort, that's a good idea. For keeping the cushion clean, maybe not so much.

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Mom - 14.08.2018 11:24Reply
Ingenious! You could create a drawer for under the seat to make it easier for Miri to put her special things cookies, crackers, strawberries
Rose - 12.08.2018 23:22Reply
Very nice looking seat!!!
Patti - 12.08.2018 21:43Reply
I love my handy husband!!