Walter Zoo with Aunt NaemiPatti - July 30, 2018

Mami, Aunt Naemi, Miri and Becca took a trip to the zoo a couple of weeks ago! This is Miri's third zoo trip. You can read about the others here: Miri visits the zoo! and Walter Zoo.

Thank you to Naemi for a few of these pictures! And all of these were on our phones, so the quality may be a little lower than normal... We are trying out a new layout for posts - let us know what you think!



First Stop: one of the monkey exhibits. Naemi is a trooper for carrying Miri as much as she did!

This male tiger was beautiful! We even heard him roar a little bit.

Miri liked the goats, but she was not very keen to share her snacks with them.

Going to the zoo with Aunt Naemi is way more fun than just with Mami - she does fun things like feed horses!

Mami and Becca hanging out

Our little zoo even has a zebra!


Miri refused to get in a picture with us for some reason

The chimpanzees were arguably the highlight for Miri - she asked to see them twice and didn't want to move on to the next exhibit

Thank you for taking us to the zoo, Aunt Naemi! We had a blast!