Mini-WorkbenchElias - January 06, 2018

A while ago someone in our neighborhood decided to get rid of one of their shelves: it was a pretty nice-looking medium sized board, with some metal angles to attach it to a wall. To properly dispose of something like that in Switzerland, you have to purchase a sticker that you place on the object and tells the garbage men that you paid for its disposal.

I like collecting nice wood to use for projects later, so as soon as I saw that shelf, I took it and stored it away for later. The best part about it: I essentially bought the piece of wood for minus 2 francs because we will be able to use the trash disposal sticker for a different piece of trash later.

Today I finally got around to doing something useful with that board. I've long had a nice big set of shelves for all my tools in a compartment in our basement (these compartments measure about 5 x 10 feet and are meant to be used for storage). Today, I attached that piece of wood to one of the shelves and thus created myself a little workbench. I'm really happy with how it turned out and how stable it is - it's nice to not have to work on the floor anymore!