Mom's Cozy Cabin Birthday CakePatti - January 05, 2018

My mom is a very special woman.  She was born on Christmas Eve, and my grandmother decided to name her Carol while hearing the church bells from her hospital room.

In case anyone was wondering, yes, we are our mother's daughters ;).

Every year we try to make Mom's birthday special and set apart from Christmas. This year began with a late breakfast of scones, light lunch, cake and presents in the afternoon, a Christmas Eve service at church, and raclette for supper.

I found the idea for her birthday cake online, but decided to change it to fit our tastes. Using a cake mix from the U.S. (my sister brought this over, and oh my goodness was it so yummy!), I made two round layers. My pans were different sizes, so I chose to make the cake into a dome shape. I frosted the cake in milk chocolate frosting, then poured a drip layer of royal icing over the top to look like snow. A miniature gingerbread house was set on top before the frosting hardened, along with a little gingerbread house candle. Just before serving, I placed some small branches from the Christmas tree around the cabins. 

This year's cake was a hit - we'll see if next year's will measure up!

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Mom - 05.01.2018 22:19Reply
I'm sure next year's cake will be just as creative. I'm so blessed to have a family that always makes my b'day special. ❤