Homemade BagelsPatti - October 27, 2017

Every once in a while, I get a craving for American food that we don’t have here in Switzerland (or at least, not easily accessible). I crave things like Chick-fil-a, American style pizza, boxed mac and cheese, donuts, cheese puffs, chex mix, cake, Mexican food, and breakfast sausage. I’ve found tolerable substitutes for most of these things, but when I find recipes to make them myself, I have to try! The other day I suddenly had strong desires for a bagel. I have never seen a bagel for sale in Switzerland (we had to explain what they were to our friends), so I searched for a simple recipe, and found one! Since I have not yet achieved experimental baker status, I followed this recipe exactly (except where I messed up):


My process pictures would be boring, so here’s a picture or two of my beautiful little helper J

I failed to make the center hole big enough, so my bagels turned out fat and lumpy, but they tasted great! Miri approved too, especially after I put cream cheese on it ;). One bagel made a hearty sandwich for Elias to take to school, and they were a nice alternative to regular bread for sandwiches!

Let me know if you try it out at home!

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Kristin - 27.10.2017 18:29Reply
Those look absolutely perfect!! And, exactly the same as the New York style bagels we used to buy in IL, I would say you made your bagel holes just perfectly!! :-)
Patti: Thanks! I can't say I've ever had a true New York bagel, so it's hard to compare. But I will definitely be making them again!
Glenda Davis - 27.10.2017 15:25Reply
I can imagine they were better than just about anything bought! :-)
Tabea - 27.10.2017 09:36Reply
Hmmm, müessti fast mol probiere... Vor allem met Wiberi dinne hani si gern. Mer händ en Bagelshop in Tirana, woni jede Sunntig go go zMorge ässe vor de Gmeind :)
Patti: "Wiberi" verstoni net; isch das Komfi? Jetz mueschi bestimmt bsueche!
Elias: Haha, ich han au 30 Sekunde bruucht. @Tabea, das schriibt mer Wiiiiibeeeri :) @Patti: Weinbeeren = raisins
Tabea: I don’t get notifications about you answering back so I just saw that
Mom - 27.10.2017 09:34Reply
Yummy! Will try your recipe