Bible Camp in HaslibergPatti - 31. Juli 2019

Our family had the opportunity to attend a Bible camp for young adults in Hasliberg, Berner Oberland (the beginning of the Alps). The preaching was good and we had fun excursions during the day!

The view from our hostel, C'est la Vie.

On Sunday we hiked up a bit, then took the "Kugelweg" (marble path) down - you could buy large marbles and put them down 10 different marble tracks arranged down the mountain!

Photo by Tabea Villiger

The playground had a pretty epic backdrop.

Miri enjoyed feeding Becca - and she did it well, too!

My sister-in-law and I went with a group to the Aareschlucht, a deep canyon cut by the river Aare. 

Photo by Tabea Villiger

It was a really neat experience!

When you want to lay cement in the alps, you can't necessarily drive cement trucks everywhere - you have to fly it in by helicopter, one bucket at a time.

Miri looked like a true Swiss with her little backpack!

Elias got to go on a large hike with a big group one day.

They hiked about 8 hours and got very sunburned, but apparently it was worth it!

Elias watched the girls one afternoon so I could go Stand-Up Paddleboarding with Tabea and another friend!

Photo by Tabea Villiger

We had a blast, and everyone stayed on, except when we jumped in to swim!

Becca was fascinated by the little red bugs and almost caught them a couple of times.

My loves!

Tabea was a trooper, and carried Miri on our visit to the Reichenbach Falls. We took the funicular partway up, then climbed another half hour to the top. (I was carrying Becca.)

This is the waterfall where Sherlock Holmes died, according to the books. But people were so upset by his death, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle resurrected him by claiming he simply faked it.

After ice cream at the top, we took the Trottinette (mountain scooter) down the mountain with the girls on our backs. It was definitely a highlight!

We rode the brakes most of the way down, and still made it down the mountain in less than 20 minutes.

Photo by Thirza Villiger

Miri with two of her aunts <3

Photo by Tabea Villiger

Talk about an epic trampoline!

We spent several evenings playing with bubbles.

Miri made one really special friend (not shown for privacy) - and she will miss her a lot!

Photo by Leo Martinez Saez

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Mom - 31.07.2019 13:49Reply
Wow! Turned out to be a spectacular opportunity!
T. Seelenbinder: ...miss Switzerland & all of U...