Toddler Sweater DressPatti - 08. März 2019

I have this beautiful purple sweater that was given to me by my lovely sister in law while I was in college. I wore it all the time, but after having two babies, it no longer fits. I decided to attempt turning it into a sweater dress for my toddler. I call this one a near success because it doesn't fit her quite right, but she loves it and looks adorable in it. 

Before I get into the process, here are some adorable pictures of Miri trying the sweater on, pre-makeover ^_^ 

Read on to see my process!



First, I found two dresses that currently fit Miri to use as a guide. I ended up choosing the pink dress.

I lay the guide on top of the sweater and cut pieces generally the same shape and size, leaving a seam allowance.

This gave me a main body piece and two raglan style sleeves.

Sew right sides together using a zig zag stitch. I was amazed at how well my simple machine handled the knit material. There was a bit of stretching, but not enough to make it look lumpy.

After sewing the sleeves, I sewed up the side seams.

Sadly, I failed to take pictures of this next part. I cut off the original collar and resized it to fit the dress. After adjusting the length, I cut off about an inch all the way around so that it was only half as wide. I then sewed it on, right sides together, again with a zig zag stitch. The first time, I sewed it on inside out and it took an hour to pick out the seam!

I did the same with the cuffs, though only the width needed to be adjusted. And the dress is finished!

The dress ended up being a bit tight under the arms, and a bit big around the collar, but we like it anyway.

Isn't she the cutest??? <3

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Grammie Rose - 08.03.2019 17:48Reply
So very cute!!! Love it!!! Great job!!! I can see many more adorable pieces of clothing in your future, Miri!!!
Julie - 08.03.2019 13:28Reply
I remember this sweater! Yep, it looks adorable as a toddler dress, especially on sweet Miri ❤️
Oma - 08.03.2019 10:01Reply
Love that cuteness!!!! Good job on the dress. Can't wait to see it!
Tabea - 08.03.2019 08:40Reply
nice re-use, and the cutest for sure :)