Summer Life: All the Birthdays!Patti - 19. Juli 2018

So much has happened in our lives since the last time I updated the family section of our website! In May, Elias's sister and her husband moved to our city. We are absolutely loving having family 2 km away, and Miri especially loves going to visit Aunt Naemi and Unca Luke.

In June, Elias's other sister, Tabea, came home to Switzerland from her teaching position in Albania. She is staying with Naemi for the summer, so we are benefitting from having both aunts nearby.

We managed to celebrate Miri's 2nd birthday on July 4th with a few friends, despite my being three days from my due date. 

Around 9:00 pm I started having contractions, and by 11:00 pm, we realized that they weren't stopping, so we called Tabea to come stay with Miriam while we went to the hospital. We reached the hospital at midnight, and at 2:00 am, July 5th, Rebecca Grace was born! I was so thankful for a fast and easy delivery, especially after our experience with Miriam. 

I stayed in the hospital two days (a day or two less than is considered normal here) and came home on my birthday, July 7th. My poor husband and daughter both came down with nasty colds the day Rebecca was born, so we had a slow recovery week. But he managed to make my birthday special as well, and that evening, my parents arrived to help take care of us.

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Devon Brown - 31.07.2018 03:42Reply
Enjoy your posts and you have beautiful children.