Walk along the BodenseePatti - 10. März 2018

Last Sunday we had our first almost spring day, so we celebrated by taking our new car (!!!!) to a large lake that borders Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. I only lasted an hour, but it was a very nice way to spend the afternoon.

The steps were still frozen over!

There were ducks in the water and she really really wanted to go chase them!

Holding Papi's hand is the best.


My loves 

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John Matzko - 11.03.2018 00:42Reply
I was in Konstanz 45 years ago and remember being told that it had not been bombed by the Allies during World War II because it had kept its lights on at night and fooled them into thinking it was part of Switzerland. A mistake that was history's gain.
Patti: Wow, I hadn't heard that before! The city of Konstanz really is beautiful. I love being only an hour away from it.
Tabea - 10.03.2018 18:01Reply
I’m so glad you have more freedom now ❤️