Hexagon ShelfPatti - 24. Januar 2018

I am a firm believer in making your house into a home. But I believe it takes time to really settle in and get a feel for where things should go. For example, when we first moved into our Gossau apartment, we put the dining table on one end of the living room, complete with overhead lighting. A few months later, we realized that it worked much better on the other side of the living room, but it was too late to change the lighting, so now we have a very well lit coffee table. In addition, our walls are made of cement, so any nail holes not in use stick out painfully. 

The wall above our dining table has been blank for two and a half years. Last fall, I finally decided what should go on that wall: a hexagon shelf. I looked everywhere for one, but apparently they are not in style in Switzerland at the moment. Thankfully, I have a handy husband! I showed him my idea from this tutorial on pinterest: Hexagon and Triangle Shelves

Elias managed to build it for me while I was visiting my parents in Germany, and surprised me with it on Christmas!

The shelf on the right in the top picture is an IKEA picture shelf, and my sister-in-law sent us the family sign for Christmas! I love how homey it makes the dining area feel.

The tutorial says to use glue to hold the whole shelf together, but since we wanted such a large one, Elias made wooden supports for the corners. My decorations will probably change over time, but for now, I am displaying my teaset (incidentally, a graduation gift from the same sister-in-law!), a daily calendar that we never remember to change, some photo books and travel journals, Elias's personal chocolate fondue pot, our Swiss salt and pepper shakers, and the games we like to play during meals: cribbage and other card games. 

I think we have filled just about all of the wall spaces that we have now, but I look forward to whatever the next project will be! Are you a "settle-in-slowly" person or a "get-everything-on-the-walls-now" person? Or some combination of the two?

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Dad - 24.01.2018 10:45Reply
I love that you use the shelf for storage of things that you actually use while at the same time it is an attractive and interesting mix.
Patti: Thanks Dad! That was the goal!