Christmas CookiesPatti - 16. Dezember 2017

Even though I have not written much in the past month, I have been super busy with Christmas projects. But since all of the recipients of said projects read my blog, I can't post about them until after Christmas! I can post about Christmas cookies though. This year I made cookies for our church's Christmas celebration, and hopefully will have some left for our neighbors. I cheated and bought some refrigerated dough, but the sugar cookies are made from scratch using the recipe from my Back to Basics post.

Rolling out the dough...

Undecorated cookies... The bottom cookies are Lebkuchen They are basically gingerbread, but a little softer and not quite as strong.

I used royal icing (again, from my Back to Basics post), and this year had the adventure of learning how to make black frosting without black food coloring. I started by adding some cocoa powder to the white frosting, then added eqal amounts of red, blue, and green coloring until it was dark enough to pass for black. Earlier this year I picked up this adorable cookie cutter set that included a santa hat, top hat, crown, boots, elf shoes, and circle for faces. 

I have one more batch that needs to be dipped in chocolate, but otherwise, I am done with cookies for the year! What are your favorite Christmas cookies?

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Charlene Esralian - 16.12.2017 23:42Reply
I made almond cookies rolled in powdered sugar, molasses cookies, jam thumbprints and skillet cookies(a date and nut cookie/candy rolled in coconut). I stay away from the decorated ones as I can never get the icing the right consistency.
Emily - 16.12.2017 16:27Reply
These are so cute! I can never make my cookies come out not looking flat